I am excited to announce that we are now offering free COVID-19 virus and antibody tests to uninsured patients. This is possible under the federal CARES Act. I believe that everyone should have access to COVID-19 testing and care. This is a relentless virus, especially for those who have underlying medical conditions. It is affecting Black and Hispanic communities at an alarming rate and is spreading at a higher rate in low income communities. Symptoms cannot be ignored.
Since the pandemic started, we have drastically increased our hours to accommodate as many patients as possible. We have performed more than 20,000 COVID-19 virus and antibody tests to date, and see upward of 500 patients every day. Our team will not stop until this virus is under control.
An appointment is not required for COVID-19 virus swab testing. Patients who wish to have the swab test can simply check-in at the outdoor medical testing tent. Social distancing is in place and everyone is given a mask to limit possible exposure to the virus.
Antibody testing does require an appointment, as a blood draw is needed and patients are seen in the clinic for this test. COVID-19 antibody test appointments can be scheduled online at www.innovativecorona.com.
The federal CARES Act only applies to those who are uninsured. This means that if you have insurance, and we accept your plan, you have to use your insurance. If you are insured, but we do not accept your plan, you can choose to pay a self-pay fee of $250 for the evaluation and test or find a clinic that takes your insurance.
COVID-19 antibody tests (blood draw) typically begin with a telemedicine consultation. The virtual visit minimizes the amount of time patients are on-site at the clinic. Patients come in for COVID-19 testing on the same day or the next day after their virtual visit.
For more information, or to schedule an appointment, visit us online at www.innovativecorona.com.
Stay well Chicago.