ADHD treatment at Innovative Care is easy, convenient and time-saving. We simplify ADHD management to create a better patient experience. If you are still trekking to the doctor monthly for visits, it’s time to shop around. Read onto learn how we do things differently, and what to look for (and look out for) in an ADHD provider.
Virtual appointments are key in providing exceptional ADHD patient care. Telemedicine allows check-ins to be done from almost anywhere when it’s time for a prescription refill. But it’s also equally important that you work with a medical provider you can trust. A provider that is advocating for your whole health, and one who can adequately address issues as they arise. Patients with ADHD should select a medical provider who offers the convenience of online appointments, with the security of providers at a brick and mortar medical clinic that can address their needs. Technology giants are popping up in the ADHD treatment space that operate 100 percent virtually. While that may be convenient, many people worry that patient safety is at risk. Check out this recent article on Cerebral. Cerebral competitor Done has had their share of critics as well.
Building a relationship with your medical provider is important. It’s also important that your provider be looking out for your overall health, not just one aspect of your health. For this reason, Innovative Care requires that ADHD patients see their provider in-person every 6 months (twice a year, one of which can be your annual physical). These more thorough check-ups allow us to make sure you are doing well on the medication that has been prescribed to you and discuss your other healthcare needs. During in-person visits, we will check your vitals, do blood work if needed, and talk with you about how things are going.
Innovative Care offers primary care, urgent care and therapy services. Unlike online only companies, we do far more than ADHD treatment. Our providers are experienced and able to take care of virtually all of your outpatient ongoing healthcare needs. If your primary care provider is unavailable, our urgent care team can step in. Patients who believe they have ADHD, but are not yet diagnosed, can also seek an evaluation at Innovative Care.