Many people have compared searching for a COVID vaccine appointment to the Hunger Games, or scoring front row concert tickets. Unfortunately, this does feel true. A global pandemic that impacts everyone creates more phone inquiries than call centers can handle. What happens? Scheduling moves online, which makes securing an appointment difficult for senior citizens and patients who do not have access to technology. Countless community groups and individuals have stepped up to help seniors get vaccinated. Innovative Express Care is proud to partner with two of the groups making a huge impact in Chicago.
This week, we released over 100 appointments to the individuals leading the Chicago Vaccine Hunters Facebook group. This volunteer run group pairs Vaccine Angels with eligible individuals who are struggling to secure an appointment, mostly
senior citizens. They also serve as a forum for individuals to ask questions, share appointment information and other tips. Innovative will allocate doses to them weekly so we can vaccinate Chicago’s most vulnerable populations.
Innovative Express Care is also teaming up with My Block, My Hood, My City to reach Chicago seniors in underserved communities. An additional 100+ appointments per week will be allocated to the group, allowing their volunteers to secure appoin
tments for older individuals in areas most impacted by COVID-19. Innovative Express Care was the first clinic to sign on to help My Block, My Hoo
d, My City launch their initiative.
To date, we have administered over 11,000 COVID vaccines. We have the capacity to do many more and will increase our appointment slots as soon as we have the doses needed to do so. If you are eligible for a vaccine and want to make an appointment, keep an eye on our website and Facebook page for appointment availability.
We sincerely hope to help more Chicagoans get vaccinated very soon. We have been here since the start of the pandemic for testing, and we will be here until it is over for vaccinations.