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Molnupiravir: Antiviral Expected to be the Next Tool to Curb COVID Pandemic

October 22, 2021


Curbing the COVID pandemic requires more than just lowering virus transmission. We also need tools to address virus symptoms and lower the rate of hospitalization due to COVID.  Monoclonal antibodies are currently the only FDA EUA authorized treatment for COVID-19, but soon there may be another tool in our arsenal, an oral antiviral medication called Molnupiravir. This medication, which was originally developed as a potential treatment for the flu, would be the first pill to treat COVID-19. 

When will Molnupiravir be available? 

Molnupiravir may be available to newly diagnosed COVID-19 patients who are at high risk for serious illness by the end of the year. The oral medication will be taken twice a day for five days following COVID diagnosis. Merck is pursuing emergency use authorization for the drug following successful clinical trials, which reported that Molnupiravir reduced the risk of hospitalization and death by 50 percent. 

What does this mean for patients? 

Having another tool to reduce hospitalization from COVID-19 will help our healthcare system bounce back from the pandemic. Another treatment to prevent serious illness will also reduce the number of COVID deaths, and the fact that it is in pill form makes it more convenient and accessible to patients than the intravenous options currently available. 

Will Innovative offer Molnupiravir? 

We are committed to serving our community until the COVID pandemic is under control. Innovative Care has been at the forefront of testing and treatment for COVID to date and we will continue to offer the latest treatment options, including Molnupiravir when it becomes available. 

Patients who are seeking treatment for COVID-19 currently can schedule a monoclonal antibody treatment online. We offer monoclonal antibodies five days a week between our Chicago and Downers Grove clinics. 

For more information about Innovative Care’s COVID testing and treatment options, visit or website.

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